5 Ingredient, Sugar-Free, Dairy-Free Ice Cream (that tastes amazing!)
Sherry and I made this for you during a recent SherryStrong Facebook Live segment, so check out our video for tips on how to make this incredibly delicious “ice cream!” The texture and taste will help you realize it is possible to enjoy life without dairy!
- 4 ripe bananas, peeled, sliced and frozen
- 3-4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (more to taste or none at all – your call!)
- Agave or honey to taste
- Pop the frozen bananas, cocoa powder and vanilla into a food processor and process until smooth, about 2 minutes.
- Add peanut butter and process.
- Taste and add agave or honey as needed.
- Serve (or eat!) immediately or store in the freezer.
Makes 4 servings